FREE Old Court Room Comedy Night Solo Shows
Eddie Fortune ‘Single’ & Lindsey Davies ‘Wrestlemaniaic ‘
Current Date/Time Selection
14 Jun 2024, 20:01 – 22:30
Ace Lips Events, Packer St, Rochdale OL16 0JN, UK
About the Event
June Brings something different to a the Old Court Room Comedy night.
Two Solo Festival shows FREE!! Thanks to Cartwheel Arts
Free or VIP tickets available
Eddie Fortune's Show
Single, 40 and living back with his Mum. Eddie has a history of failed relationships. He has done it all, he has dated thatcher loving Tories, evil math teachers from Dudley, ginger spiritualists and even slept with someone dressed as a Crab in the Travelodge hotel in Bolton.
Never dealing well with break ups he once wrote his exes cat Margaret a letter during lockdown. Seeking validation in all the wrong men this scouse comic unravels his past to explain his toxic behaviour. Eddie brings you the Sell Out show SINGLE.
If you are a red flag and six foot book now
Lindsey Davies Solo Show
'Wrestlemaniac is a must-see show for all wrestling fans, especially fans of the WWF 90's wrestling scene. Lindsey delves into her dark past and shares humerous stories of her times as an obsessed wrestling fanatic and how it helped her through her adolescent years. Adults only'